...for all things crafty and charlie...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


...the creative processes is a little on the slow side at the mo due to uni stuff often taking up my allocated sewing "slots" ...BUT I re-oiled my machine today (it was sounding a little sad) and I NOW have a couple of characters in the works, so please stay tuned.

So, while your all waiting here's some pictures of Charlotte...draining the pond (and what very serious work it is!)

Yet it's soo funny when daddy does it...


  1. The contrast of studious and cracking up is so cute. Those expressions are winners! Just love 'em. What was Charlotte's daddy doing?

  2. He was also draining the pond (i mean what else is there to do!?!)...for some unexplained reason she finds it hilarious when he throws buckets of water on the grass (ah..its the simple things)

  3. He would make that look funny - I'd probably crack up too!
