...for all things crafty and charlie...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

my fun week

bouncing and climbing till my hearts content at 'wiggly worms'...

expressing my artistic flair through playdough sculpture...check out my happy face!!

 and '...a workin' on tha railroads...' (mummy likes to buy me new clothes and toys when she's stressin' bout her "mountain" of uni work...helps the ol' nerves)

 ...yeah...what a gooooood week!

xxxx love Charlotte xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow ... Someone looks very pleased with herself. Aren't mummies the best!!
    I can't wait to see that train set in action - so much fun! Bring all your new play things over to nan-nan's and mummy can go home and do some study.
