...for all things crafty and charlie...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

well, can I just say...

...if you haven't seen the movie Julie & Julia...your missing out big time - especially if your one of THOSE people (like me) who thinks blogging is um...AWESOME! Now I'm not one of those 'wish I was a movie critic' kind of people (far from it - I'm more of a 'series' girl), so as far as favorite movies go my repertoire includes: Harry Potter, English Patient and um...Harry Potter (don't tell anyone though!). But with this movie, starring Meryl Streep (so talented!) and Amy Adams (wish i was her!), I couldn't even sew and watch simultaneously - now that's saying something. This movie isn't a soppy, artificial chick flick...It's just a nice, real to life - yet warm fuzzies on the inside type of movie...and inspired me to start blogging! Please, please, please watch it...you won't be disappointed.


  1. I will watch it soon and will get back to you on my verdict. I like your taste in movies - I'm surprised I've never watched a Harry Potter film. Never too late to start I'spose!

  2. i LOVE harry poter!!

    while waiting, and waiting (WAITING) for the next hp movie to show, i got sucked into the whole twilight saga.. (don't judge me..lol)

    i enjoyed julie & julia. i've always been facinated by julia childs. she's the queen of the kitchen.

  3. how comforting to know there is someone else out there as crazy as me! ;) can't LOVE HP without a bit of vampire on the side - I LOVE the series 'The Gates'...you get a taste of all walks, vampires, werewolves, succubus...its soo juicy!

  4. You never told me about that series?! You know what a big fan I am of Vampire flicks!!
